What Marketing and Promo IS Working Right Now?

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ABP = Always Be Promoting!

What Internal Systems Bring More New Ones Than Anything

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Internal, automatically good systems and procedures are what we want

How To Explain Chiropractic So They “Get It” Forever

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Patients must be educated at many points along the Day 1 and Day 2 path!

How Do You Handle Kids & Family Members

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There are fun and easy ways to get more kids and families under care.

What Should We Charge For a New Patient

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Let’s open the floodgates for new ones to come in and get checked.

How Long Should a New Patient Take on Day 1

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People return and refer when they experience equality and speed.

How To Use Video to Get New Ones to Love You

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Videos create raging chiropractic fans and make your life MUCH easier.

What Do New Patients Want Now Compared to the Past

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Do You Deliver What The Public Wants, or What You Think They Want.