How to Grow Your Chiropractic Practice with Initiative

Picture of Dr. Tory Robson

Dr. Tory Robson

Chiropractic Practice Success Consultant

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To grow your chiropractic practice is not just about getting more patients; it’s about building connections, delivering exceptional service, and taking proactive steps every single day to grow your business. Success in chiropractic, as in any other field, hinges on two key qualities: studiousness and initiative. By consistently focusing on these principles, you can attract new patients, retain existing ones, and build a thriving practice that supports your personal and professional goals.

Let’s dive into how you can leverage initiative and daily actions to grow your chiropractic practice.

At its core, growing a chiropractic practice involves increasing the number of people you serve. More patients mean more activity, greater retention, and increased collections, all of which lead to better financial stability and an improved quality of life. To achieve this, you must provide outstanding service to your community. Service is the foundation upon which your practice’s success is built.

The formula is simple: Money comes from delivering value through service, and to deliver that service, you need to attract people. This requires consistent effort and a commitment to making the most of each day.

Initiative is what separates successful chiropractors from those who struggle. It’s about taking action, even on a Sunday, and asking yourself, “What can I do today to grow my practice?” This mindset involves:

  1. Planning your day with intention: Start by writing down your goals and tasks for the day. Whether it’s meeting new people, visiting local businesses, or following up with contacts, having a clear plan is essential.
  2. Finding opportunities everywhere: Every interaction—from getting gas to buying shoes—is an opportunity to connect with someone new.
  3. Being consistent: Growth doesn’t happen overnight. It’s the result of small, consistent actions over time.

Local events, such as open houses and community gatherings, provide excellent opportunities to network and meet new people. For example:

  • Visit open houses: Real estate open houses are often overlooked as a practice-building tool. Stop by, introduce yourself to the real estate agent, and exchange business cards. These connections can lead to long-term relationships and referrals.
  • Attend community events: Parades, fairs, and farmers’ markets are great places to interact with potential patients and make your presence known in the community.

Turn everyday errands into opportunities to grow your practice. For instance:

  • Gas stations: When you stop for gas, take a moment to chat with the cashier. Offer your card and introduce yourself.
  • Retail stores: If you’re shopping for new workout shoes, visit a few different stores. Use each visit as a chance to meet someone new and share your card.
  • Church or social gatherings: Make it a goal to meet three new people and give out three cards whenever you attend a social event.

Develop a habit of reaching out to people daily. Whether it’s in person or through follow-up emails and calls, consistent connection-building will keep your practice growing. Make it a point to:

  • Shake hands and introduce yourself.
  • Offer your business card with a warm smile.
  • Follow up with a personal note or message to strengthen the connection.

Visibility is key to attracting new patients. By consistently putting yourself out there, you’ll position your practice as a trusted resource in the community. For example:

  • Visit local businesses: Drop by shops in your area, introduce yourself, and leave your card.
  • Engage with groups and organizations: If a patient mentions they’re part of a running group or club, take the initiative to connect with that group. One connection can lead to multiple new patients.
  • Host workshops or talks: Offer free educational sessions on health and wellness topics to attract potential patients and showcase your expertise.

Approach every interaction with a mindset of service. Let people know you’re available to help them improve their health. Simple gestures like saying, “If anything’s ever bothering you, call me,” can leave a lasting impression.

To make the most of your efforts, keep track of your goals and progress. Use a simple notepad or digital planner to:

  • List the tasks you want to accomplish each day.
  • Track the number of people you meet and follow up with.
  • Reflect on what worked well and what you can improve.

Building a thriving chiropractic practice doesn’t require expensive marketing campaigns or elaborate strategies. Instead, it’s about consistent, focused effort and making the most of every opportunity. By integrating productive activities into your daily routine, you can:

  • Attract new patients organically.
  • Build meaningful connections in your community.
  • Establish yourself as a trusted healthcare provider.

The key to grow your chiropractic practice lies in your willingness to take initiative and seize every opportunity. Approach each day with purpose, and remember that every interaction is a chance to make a difference. Whether you’re visiting open houses, meeting people at the mall, or simply running errands, you have the power to turn everyday activities into opportunities for growth.

By being studious and proactive, you can transform your practice into a thriving business that not only supports your goals but also improves the health and well-being of your entire community.

Also read: How Chiropractic Care Works for Long-Term Health and Wellness


Dr. Tory Robson of Winners Edge Chiropractic Consulting, specializes in teaching new doctors to start with style and success.

Our new doctor Start-Up program has helped countless DCs become the most successful in their area in an incredibly short period of time. We teach existing doctors our current, relevant, and brutally effective practice, marketing, business and MONEY FLOW systems so they can grow and prosper more than they ever thought possible. $100,000 or more per month for a solo DC is common here. 

We even help retiring doctors maximize their practice and life as they exit the profession.  Where to practice, layout design, all procedures, codes, fees, care plans, volume, philosophy, scripting, staffing, internal marketing, social media, website secrets, all business, accounting, taxes, debt elimination, saving, wealth creation, and how to create an exceptional chiropractic life are just the beginning of what we have for the service minded and result focused chiropractor!
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