We are in a new world now when it comes to paying staff. We must understand what the median household income is in our area, the median home price, and other key demographics so we can determine what our pay scale will be for our team.
Many times the chiropractor just wings it with no idea of what’s really going on in the working environment around their office. During the hiring process, we always state a pay range and then start the new employee at the appropriate level within the range. We pay our team every two weeks. I simply have my team put their hours on a Post-it note and place it on my desk.
I already know what the hours should be because the hours for each team member are already set. A CA does not have much variability on what the hours will be unless they actually missed some time or they work a little extra, which may happen on occasion.
I’ve had to deal with many employee nightmare scenarios where an employee was saying they “couldn’t get their work done” and was milking the doctor for literally another 40 hours every single month. Once this person was terminated and a new employee came in, the new employee was doing all of the work of the old person, and more. They did this with time to spare every single day.
We pay our team every two weeks and we recommend a monthly bonus. A small doctors office is not going to have a 401(k) because the cost of such a program is enormous. So instead, we have a profit sharing program where full-time employees get a percentage of the collections of the practice each month. A monthly bonus per our guidelines. The exact percentage is something we figure out for each office and for each employee. It’s an incredible way for each team member to have “something in it for them” as you work every month.
It’s called becoming incentivized.
Just working hourly regardless of what the production is, is much different than working hourly and getting paid a bonus based on what you collected that month. It is a fantastic way to have people love working for you and have them enjoy a benefit that none of their friends have. You feel good that you’re helping someone advance their life, as well as you advancing yours.
“Tory how much should I pay a CA?” I don’t know, I’m not in your office, but I would figure it out pretty quickly based on what’s happening around me in my area.
NO. We never recommend any staff be paid a salary. This practically guarantees that someone is going to get the short end of the deal. Either the employee by being overworked or the doctor, because most employees will work the absolute minimum amount possible to get their paycheck. It’s just human nature. So no salaries ever for employees under any circumstances, unless it is a spouse. And even then there are rules for this to work out well long term.
Summary: Pay CAs every two weeks an hourly rate based on the demographics of the area. In your mind, know when and what raises are possible for each person. Know where each position caps out. Some will be so good they will move past your practice. Good for them! Have a monthly bonus for full time people that is a percentage of collections using our Bonus strategy. Demand excellence from them and yourself!