The isolated event that brings more new ones than anything else in the office is a Patient Appreciation Day. We have had many doctors get over 50 new patients in one day with a record being over 70. When this procedure is handled in the sequence that we teach, the office can grow literally 100 visits a week overnight. It can stay there, as long as ongoing day-by-day internal systems bring more new patients in. The best is adding a family system.
Every time a person signs up for care we allow them to have a family member; spouse, child, grandpa, or grandma, get the same number of visits as them for half the price. They must start within two weeks. This is a practice growth mode procedure.
Later on, if a doctor has tremendous volume, then we quit doing this and we make many other changes that are required. Once the chiropractor has the demand, the volume, the money flow systems, and everything else we teach going at an extremely high level, then you can make changes.
Then it’s a matter of spreading people out, eliminating certain components of wellness plans, changing the new patient fee and many other things that only a doctor of real high demand is able to do. But until that point, we are in growth mode, and the growth mode tool internally works like a charm. This allows any patient to have sent in a husband, wife, close boyfriend or girlfriend or family member to get the same number of visits that they got for half the price. So if a person was paying $1400 for a care plan, you would say you could have your husband Bill come in and he can get the same visits as you and it’s only half for him. It is something we do that is special for our couples in the office. For $2100, you guys will have 48 visits that you can share between you however you like, and you can even have your kids or other family members use some of the visits, it’s really great. It’s quite a genius approach to sell care plans to a patient but allow them to share the visits with anybody else they like.